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Tuesday, November 02, 2010


Facts and Tips for Quitting

Many people who smoke today would never have started smoking if they had known the facts about smoking and its harmful effects on the body . these people formed the habit before the facts where available .once the habit of smoking is established ,it is a very difficult one to stop .
Research studies have shown that the more and the linger a person smokes ,the greater are his chances of developing a serious illness .lung cancer is perhaps is the most serious illness caused by smoking .cigarette smokes weakens the usual defense against foreign substances. Its chemicals, its tar and nicotine, accumulate on the lining of the air passages. And may eventually penetrate and injure the living cells. Cancer cells may then develop.

Smoking can also lead to cancer of the throat and mouth. It can also cause emphysema .in emphysema the lung become inefficient in supplying oxygen to and removing carbon dioxide from the blood. In addition constant   smokers are more liable to get serious heart disease in adult life than nonsmokers, because smoking overworks the heart.

 Besides these serious dangers, smoking has other disadvantages .it cause shortness of breath and unpleasant cough, sinus headaches, and a general loss of energy .smoking irritates the membranes of the throat, nose and mouth .the sense of smell is eventually affected .a bad taste maybe left in the mouth after smoking, which may in turn dull the appetite and the enjoyment of food. Smokers tend to catch more colds than nonsmokers do. Other disadvantages of smoking include bad breath and tobacco stains of the fingers, fingernails, and teeth.
The best way of course, to avoid the evils of smoking is to never take up the habit.
For those who already addicted, the best way to stop is to give up smoking all at once .cutting down on cigarettes gradually seems to work for some people, however.
In either case, the firs few days or weeks seem to be the most difficult .during this period, many people find it helpful to chew gum. Keeping oneself busy and active also helps.

Many individuals find giving up smoking easier  if they pamper themselves in some way ,maybe by  spending cigarette money on a book ,candy , or some thing else they want.
One way to reduce the harmful effects of smoking is not to inhale. haw far down  the cigarette is smoked is also significant ,since the impurities are more concentrated in the last third of the cigarette. Switching to pipes and cigars decreases the likelihood of developing lung cancer, but the risk of developing lung cancer of the lips increases.

    Many method have been suggested to solve the problem of cigarette addiction . they have to some extent been effective .however , it has been proved that being aware of the dangers posed by all drugs  , including cigarettes , is the most effective way to persuade one to never form the habit.

Ili English series

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